City on the Hill
Politicians and their cheerleaders invoke the name of “god” to validate their programs and power, and they employ popular religious ideas when doing so. Just as rulers in Western-style democracies pay lip service to “Judeo-Christian values.” Likewise, Emperor Augustus Caesar appealed to traditional Roman morality and deities for divine approval of his regime and its conquests.
Too often, patriotism and
religious faith become intertwined and even synonymous in popular thinking. Any
lack of nationalistic fervor becomes religious heresy and treason.
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[Photo by Pablo Orcaray on Unsplash] |
Far too many church leaders participate in this idolatrous practice, especially when partisan feelings run high during elections. The inevitable result is the attempt to ally and even identify God, Jesus, and Christianity with the nation-state, culture, and government.
To maintain this fiction,
presidents, kings, members of Parliament and Congress, and dictators claim
their country is the “shining light set on a hill” illuminating the rest of the
world to show humanity a higher way, an idolatrous assertion to which many church
leaders voice a hearty “Amen!”, at least if their preferred political system is
the chosen nation.
Politicians are rarely morally
upright or selfless men, so we can understand their self-serving efforts to
hijack the faith of Jesus Christ in the pursuit of power and popularity. However,
it is an entirely different matter when “Christian” leaders join this
blasphemous chorus, proclaiming their nation, its form of government, and
political ideology as the “light of the world” and the representative of God’s Kingdom
on Earth.
The controversy is not
whether a country, culture, or government is good, bad, or indifferent, or
whether God champions democracy, autocracy, or socialism over other forms of
government. However, idolatrous claims of this kind contradict the teachings of
the New Testament, especially the declaration that Jesus of Nazareth is “the
Light of the World.”
His light is reflected by
his local assemblies and disciples, not by any political party or regime of
this fallen age. His light beckons all men and women to be reconciled with God
and become his followers. Jesus gave his life for the entire world, for “all
nations.” The Bible labels him the “Light
of the World,” not Western civilization, democracy, socialism, or free-market
When church leaders and
organizations embrace ideas about the nation or political system being the “light”,
only demonstrates how far from the biblical ideal popular “Christianity” has strayed
in its pursuit of political power and influence.
There is no true light,
liberty, peace, or lasting prosperity and life without Jesus. His church transcends
all national, cultural, and ethnic boundaries, or at least in theory if not
present reality. He summoned his people to become a priestly kingdom that mediates
his light to a dark world. Super patriotism and other forms of state idolatry will
hinder if not derail his people from accomplishing this mission.
Jesus did not establish his Church to propagate the political ideologies of this age, but to proclaim the Good News of his Kingdom and Salvation to every nation - “To the uttermost parts of the Earth.”
His disciples are pilgrims and
sojourners in this sinful world, and their citizenship is in God’s Kingdom. To
be a loyal citizen of His realm means giving total allegiance to its Sovereign.
That leaves no room for “dual citizenship” or divided loyalties. Sooner or
later all the existing regimes of this world will cease to exist. They are “perishing
No existing government has
ever officially or directly acknowledged the absolute lordship of Jesus,
let alone submitted to his authority. Whatever else they are good or bad, they
are other than Christian. They are part of the world order judged
on Calvary, therefore, they are, even now, “passing away.”
The immersion of Christians
into partisan politics has distracted them from their paramount task, proclaiming
the Gospel to all nations. When they do so, their “lamps” fade as they
cease reflecting the light of Jesus and instead demonstrate who their true lord
is, Caesar and his empire.
This is not a call to passivity
or disengagement from the world, but for followers of Jesus to reengage their
fellow men with the methods described in the Bible, including prayer,
self-sacrificial service for others, and teaching the Word, and above all, by becoming
shining lights and witnesses of Jesus of Nazareth.
His Kingdom will not
be advanced through the ballot box, military might, economic dominance, or political
power. Only men and women living cruciform lives submitted to his absolute Lordship
can reflect his bright light, thereby pointing men and nations to the truth and
life found only in Jesus Christ.
[PDF copy]
- Christendom? - (‘Christendom’ is the idolatrous term employed to invoke God in support of national and political institutions, programs, and ideologies)
- A New Message - (Jesus summons his disciples to proclaim the Good News of the kingdom of God in every inhabited corner of the earth)
- Kings and Emperors - (God allows evil rulers to govern nations and uses them to accomplish His purposes, and He summons believers to show them due respect)
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